Sunday, July 10, 2016

Preach On!

In 2007, Josh Casey graduated from Parkview High School. He was a smiling, kind, exceptional young man who I was fortunate to guide on my debate squad. At the conclusion of his commencement speech, he stepped away from the podium and heralded the trademark chant "WE ARE...PARKVIEW!"

The crowd went wild.

A shock ran all through me. I will never forget it.

Today I went to Josh's church here in town. He and his beautiful wife and their three girls are headed to Belgium as missionaries. I sat in the congregation as Josh preached. His genuine fervor and devotion to the Christ I've known all my life nearly knocked me over. 

A shock ran all through me. I will never forget it.

I couldn't be more proud of the enthusiastic Viking I spent such good times with a decade ago. Don't believe for a second that there isn't hope for the future, for the world. There is.

Let's not lose hope. 

Today convinced me there is plenty to hold onto. Tightly.