Monday, February 28, 2022


If you know me (or follow me on the FB), you know my dog is my jam. When I was married, my then husband wouldn’t let us get a dog. 3 days after we told the kids we were divorcing  (and by we, I mean me), Gracie and I were in Target. Sis stopped still all of a sudden in the office supply aisle and said, “wait! This means we can get a dog!” (Of course, this is after Gracie looked at me after the announcement of the dissolution of marriage when she said, “what took you so long?”) But I digress. Some things aren’t meant to be.

One thing that WAS meant to be was Halpert. The kids named her before we chose her. She is named after Jim Halpert from “The Office.” We went to the Humane Society and Grace saw her and began to weep. Gracie doesn’t cry. Halpert was the chosen one.

Since then I’ve become a horrible dog owner: unable and unwilling to train her. She failed obedience class. But she loves me so fiercely that I don’t know how I existed before she became mine.

Saturday morning she got out of the yard. When I couldn’t find her I became hysterical. I wept like a child. She was trotting down the street. When she was found, I think I wept even harder. 

I thank God for Halpert. I thank God she is safe. There aren’t words to describe the comfort of a dog. Especially mine.