Monday, May 23, 2022


 May 23, 2022

My father called this morning to arrange a call with him, my brother, and myself about a matter with life insurance. He didn’t want to do anything without talking with us.  (PS—high fives to BDR for knowing how to patch 3 calls together.)

This afternoon—as an alleged lady of leisure, with school out— I’ve been watching “The First Lady” on Showtime while I completed domestic tasks that (let’s be honest) are not my fave. Now, I’ve long thought myself a feminist just because I think women deserve the same rights as all. Crazy me. When I think of all my ladies who have endured much—from not being allowed to wear pants to not be allowed to have credit to not being ALLOWED to do anything—I’m grateful I was born in ‘74. Even then, it’s an uphill climb.

The bottom line, though, is that Daddio called me this morning. He has always treated me as an equal, and equal to all the dudes. I grew up doing the work that any boy would do. I was spoken to as a person with intellect and capacity. I appreciate being raised by a man who expected no less from me than I am. 

Watch “The First Lady.” There is some sketchy stuff; but every FLOTUS had balls of steel. And trust me, when I teach the difference between connotative and denotative meaning, “balls” are the example that drives the point home.

Go figure😉.