Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Circle around…the tv


Circle the wagons. Crazy Bernice beckoned such advice on Designing Women.

I’ve been watching a lot of Designing Women and Golden Girls lately. It takes me back to another time. Television was medicine for me. It still is.

I’ve been thinking of that of late. I wouldn’t survive without my shows. I never could. I can still remember the Dallas theme song from the other room when I was in bed when Mom was still kicking.

When we were smaller, Big Daddy Rowe wouldn’t invest in a VCR. Rather, we were human remotes and I was busy mowing the baseball dorm at Grand and National and the big mound of lawn at our house at age 8. No lie.

So, I missed the shower scene in  which Bobby Ewing returned to life. I was busy mowing. I was devastated.

Ann Rozell came to the rescue. She got us Swensen’s one day and brought us to HER VCR and we got to watch Bobby’s resurrection. I’ll never forget it.

Life is a juxtaposition: the good and the bad. The Facts of Life taught us that. I’m grateful it’s not either one or the other. I’m grateful I’ve a remote, 6 streaming services, a mountain of books, and the freedom to consume it all.

Circle the wagons! We can always regroup. Many thanks to the help of Hollywood. My name is Nancy, and I’m an addict.