Monday, January 16, 2023

The Ocean & Kathleen


I’m in favor of many things: in the top two on the list are the ocean and comedy. 

When I see and smell the ocean I sometimes weep. I know that sounds maudlin, but I can’t help it. I love home, but being landlocked here is a struggle.

This past weekend my Jim Cox and I went to Florida. It was a tad chilly, but that didn’t damper the beauty of the ocean. I told Jim that seeing the expanse of the ocean always reminds me of the reality of God.

On the other hand, we got to see my favorite comedian, Kathleen Madigan. She is a fellow Missourian and a Catholic who is 1 of 7 kids. The stories she tells remind of how different my 1 sibling Baptist upbringing is from hers. One of my favorite bits is when the nuns told her she ought not to bother Jesus, and made her scooch over in her seat to make room for her guardian angel.

All this to say that the ocean made my heart swell, as did the laughter inspired by Kathleen’s genius. Life can become mundane, but weekends like this (especially with someone you love) breathe life into the ordinary.

Do your best to find what makes the ordinary the exception, not the rule.

That’s all.