Monday, September 8, 2014

On my way back

September 9, 2014

Yesterday I had lunch with a dear friend who I've known all my life. I hadn't seen her in a long while and had not sat down with her in nearly a decade. She is a beautiful, accomplished doctor who has traveled the world working with the impoverished. She has always downplayed her role in this world, but I know what I know. 

Another thing I like about this pal is that she thinks I am hilarious. Making anyone laugh is one of my favorite things to do (and something I haven't done much of lately) and as I regaled her with crazy tales of my former teaching life, she cracked up again and again. I felt like my old self. I felt like the person reflected in her laughter.

She has no inkling of the low lows and struggles of the past months, and I didn't want to tell her. I got nearly two hours of time travel to ME. And I wanted to stay. How fitting, then, that this picture was hanging next to our booth:  "she was on a journey back to her wings" read the soul of the pic.

As we parted ways and I walked through downtown, I was lighter. Maybe it was the wings...

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