Sunday, February 21, 2016


February 20, 2016

My Pops tells me the day I was born was much like today:  unseasonably warm and sunny.  The baseball coach at Southwest Missouri State, he was headed to practice that day over at Meador Park when word came that my mom was ripe for delivery.  These were the days when the dad was prohibited from the delivery room drama and the baby’s gender was a mystery until he/she found his/her way out of the blessed canal.  So it was on that day that Dad got the news in the waiting room of St. John’s that he had a daughter. 

On this, the celebration of my 42nd year, it is thus fitting that I spent time in the sunshine.  I soaked up as many rays of light as possible before the privileges of motherhood called me to basketball, debate, volleyball. 

It’s been quite a year, and I’m grateful. Hell’s bells! It’s been quite a 42. My gratitude is without end.

I thank you, my dear friends, for the birthday love you sent my way today.  You are the stuff of a life worth celebrating.

I'm in the front row these days. And I’m grateful. 

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