Thursday, June 9, 2016

Let's Go!

June 9, 2016

I wouldn't describe myself as the glass is half empty or full type of gal. Rather, I might inquire as to what's in it and is it tasty?

I also don't cast myself in the light of musical theatre and dancing wildlife and flying nannies and the like.

But here is what happened: I had watched both seasons of "Grace and Frankie" on Netflix (twice), and was in need of some new nugget. On Amazon I found the PBS special about the life of Walt Disney. That's right, I leapt from the beautifully edgy Jane Fonda/Lily Tomlin masterpiece (if you haven't watched it you MUST!) to a public television investigation into the father of Mickey Mouse. I was captivated.

I have also recently revisited "Saving Mr. Banks," the Emma Thompson/Tom Hanks gem about the making of "Mary Poppins" (again, WATCH IT!).

The point? In each Disney video shout-out was a focus on the song "Let's Go Fly A Kite," which, if you live under an unDisneyfied rock, is the triumphant moment in "Mary Poppins" and also in its making (which you didn't need to know, even if you are atop Disney fandom).

This is the thing:

I've had a challenging day: the type of day that would deign one to prance around and fly a kite and sing about it in a British accent and in full voice. But on my playlist it played, and the part of me that was depleted and oh, I don't know, wanting to burn a kite and stomp the ashes, rose up and decided rather to shelve the matches and laugh instead.

I didn't sing. But I considered it. 

Things can get sketchy. The soul can get trampled, the patience short. At the day's end, we can fly our kite or torch it. We can see a glass nearly full or one just half-filled. We can take a swig and refresh or recoil. We may not have the geniuses at Disney to urge us on, but the choice is ours.

I spent some time today with my kite on the pavement. 


Let's go!

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