Tuesday, July 31, 2018

How's Aunt Katherine?

I don't know what brings these stories to mind, but they are worth repeating.

My dad has told me this story that is a favorite about my mom; and proof that I am her daughter. 

Back in the day, they were dining at the Shady Inn with another couple. Mom and Dad noticed that her Uncle Bob (her dad's brother) was dining with a woman who wasn't his wife.

Mom got steamed and, if you knew her, steaming was one of her talents. So, before they left the restaurant, Mom marched up to Uncle Bob's table and said, "Hi Uncle Bob. How's Aunt Katherine?" I'm not sure, but I don't believe she allowed him to answer. She took her big hairdo, collected Coach Rowe, and departed.

And the MINUTE they got home, she called her mother. You know those 1970s landlines burned up.

Monday, July 30, 2018

The Girl

Dad and Nyds married when I was seven. My mother and I were (am) a couple of small chested broads. Now, I don't want to embarrass my Nyds, but this happened.

The only boobies I'd seen were Nanny's when she would roll them up from her waist and put them in her bra. So it was a surprise to see real ones on a real person.

Not long after Nyds and Dad married I wandered into their bedroom. I was a brown eyed girl with a bad bowl cut.

Nydia had gotten a bunch of fetching gowns from a wedding shower. One happened to be pink and had this cutout in the middle. So I roll in, about boob-level, early one morning. One of her girls had popped out. She tells me she woke up to see a little brown eyed girl pointing in astonishment that this could happen.

And that is absolutely one of my favorite Nydia stories. And I love telling it. But it's payback for her letting me shave my eyebrows in 7th grade. 

So there.

Love you, Nyds. But govern those girls!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Mamma Mia

Ten years ago I went with two sets of friends at two different times to see "Mamma Mia." It became among my favorite movies.

The soundtrack I would run to.

The other day, my best friend Sarah and her girls and I went to see the sequel. It was good. There is a moment when Sophie (the Meryl Streep character's daughter) is about to christen her child. The Meryl character is dead. Spoiler alert.

Sophie says "I wish she was here."

At that moment, I lost it. 

Sarah looked at me and said, "things need to pick up here, because I am losing it."

I agreed.

It's something to have a best friend who cries when you do.

That's all.