Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Eyes Have It

I'm getting Lasik eye surgery in a couple weeks and lately my eyes are getting really dry. I don't know that these things are related. I digress.

I was at the home of my close personal friend and was in the bathroom. I saw what I believed to be eye drops and helped myself.

A while later, I noticed my eyes oozing some kind of oily substance. I told my close personal friend what was happening. 

Me: "I used those drops in your bathroom."
Him: (Laughing hysterically) "That is oil for my razor. Who squirts something into their eyes when they don't know what it is?"
Me: "Apparently, me."

But I'm not blind. Just blurry. Praise the Lord.

I rock.

Friday, September 28, 2018

On the Pew

My Dad says a lot of things that I deem worthy of a book. If I can ever get myself together outside of a ballpark, volleyball game or classroom, I hope to write one. For some reason, these nuggets sprang to mind. I like to keep my people entertained 😉.

I was in the youth group at church and every so often we would lead the Sunday night service. A youth would be assigned to pray and, if nervous or uncomfortable, would read the prayer.

On one fateful Sunday night, a girl read her prayer. It was a painful reading with pauses and mispronounced words and ums and uhs. I tried to keep my eyes closed.

When the service was over, all Dad did was look at me, close his eyes, and say "please, God, teach me to read."

On another Baptist occasion Dad and I were sharing a pew and a very lovely older man was singing a country song during which he would also randomly speak. At one point, Dad just leaned over to me and said, "I'll take two Bud Lights."

Bill Rowe. The Man. The Myth. The Legend.

That's all.

Saturday, September 1, 2018


My Auntie Grace had no children. She was widowed before I was born. She was my Nanny's sis. Auntie was one of the first Deans of Women in the United States, at Mississippi College. I thought she was a strong-headed champ. Albeit a tad tough.

She also hated to clean or keep house.

Sound familiar?

My parents and aunts and uncles think I'm channeling Aunt Grace. Fine by me! She was a woman ahead of her time and had better things to do than dust and sweep. I wish I wanted to do all that, but I'd rather watch Netflix and shove nails through my nails. And hang out with my kids.

I picture Auntie up in heaven with her pocketbook on her arm, saying "that's fine." And Nanny is shaking her head. And they are both watching Jeopardy and drinking gin and tonics in gold cup holders.

I miss them❤️