Saturday, September 1, 2018


My Auntie Grace had no children. She was widowed before I was born. She was my Nanny's sis. Auntie was one of the first Deans of Women in the United States, at Mississippi College. I thought she was a strong-headed champ. Albeit a tad tough.

She also hated to clean or keep house.

Sound familiar?

My parents and aunts and uncles think I'm channeling Aunt Grace. Fine by me! She was a woman ahead of her time and had better things to do than dust and sweep. I wish I wanted to do all that, but I'd rather watch Netflix and shove nails through my nails. And hang out with my kids.

I picture Auntie up in heaven with her pocketbook on her arm, saying "that's fine." And Nanny is shaking her head. And they are both watching Jeopardy and drinking gin and tonics in gold cup holders.

I miss them❤️

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