Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Big Swim

Today in one of my composition classes I charged them with interviewing another with the end result a biographical sketch. In one class, we had an odd number and the sweet girl who grabbed the short straw had to interview me.

Her first question was "who shaped who you are?"

I immediately teared up and apologized for being like I am, with all the tears ;).There are so many who have shaped me. But when I was able to speak again, I told her my Dad was strong and competitive and the best. And I told her Nyds was incredible. All those are understatements, by the way.

The best thing about the interview was what I learned about her. Some kiddos endure lives most of us couldn't fathom. She has had the run of it. But, you know what? She keeps swimming back to the surface. And I have no doubt she will continue to do just that.

Teaching is an interesting scene. Sometimes--no, more often than not--students inspire me, rather than the converse. I'm grateful I get to keep swimming up; as do they. And I will forever try to bring them up. As long as I can pull.

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