Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Ride

I was just watching an old episode of "Ellen" with Melissa McCarthy as a guest. She was describing her youngest daughter (who apparently has lots of zip) on her Big Wheel.

The story drummed up memories I haven't had in a while. I had a Big Wheel called "Flower Power" (not by me) and I would drive it as fast as I could then slam on the brakes. The result was one flat side of the wheel. I drove that sucker around in a very bumpy fashion for years.

But then I also thought of that moment on the street where my Nanny and Papa lived, and where we lived for a time, and my Pops held onto the back of my bike when I was learning to ride. He let go, and I kept riding. I remember realizing he had let go and he was back down the road watching me ride. I was afraid. But I was free.

Isn't that the way? A bumpy ride, sometimes afraid, but, if you are lucky and can pedal and balance: free❤️

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