Saturday, October 29, 2022

All the love


I am a Christian. I’m a sinner. I’ve made some mistakes. But I’m all right. I don’t believe I’ll be burned at the stake. Maybe I should be. But I’ve raised two solid kiddos, I’ve spent some time with wonderful Parkview kids, MSU kids, OTC kids.

I love kids. That’s the stuff. Every day is a delight.

This pic popped up today, as they tend to do on the FB. On the day this was taken, my little angel stood at the edge of my yard as I ran to the church where I vote. She didn’t leave until she saw me running home, at which she lost her mind. She just wanted me back.

What I have learned is that we should VOTE! I’ve also learned the love of dogs, biological children, and  students, makes up for all the rest.

That’s all.

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