Sunday, October 30, 2022

John Goodman


I’m so pleased to see that John Goodman has honored MSU.

When my brother and I were in college, as Juanita K was being built, we got to take him around campus. In normal Nance fashion, I parked too close to the next car at one place. I said, “oh sir, I apologize! Can I re-park?” As a true gentleman, he slinked out of that Cadillac like a champ. I was mortified.

Years later, Big Daddy Rowe took us to see the fam in LA, to see “Murphy Brown,” (my nirvana), and to see Mr. Goodman at a taping of “Roseanne.” First of all, the episode was about masturbation. I sat next to my parents and watched this business. Imagine my horror. Secondly, that horrible Tom Arnold offered a signed script between scenes if someone would perform. My father nudged me and said, “you can do something!” Never one to disappoint Pops, or to back down from a challenge, the next thing I knew, I was before a theatre audience, belting “God Bless America” like Ethel Merman.

That happened. I got the script.

Afterward, we got to see Mr. Goodman backstage. He said, “that was you?” He was the best.

My life has been full of things you can’t make up. These are a few hot nuggets.

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