Friday, October 6, 2017

The Bliss

October 6, 2017

My bedroom hosts three windows that I keep open almost year round. See, I know money doesn't grow on trees and utilities cost money and I'm not raking in the dough, but fresh air is my jam. Even with the air conditioning or the heat on. And since I'm a single gal without a dictator/supervisor to govern her atmosphere/thermostat, I do as I wish. It's wonderful.

It's so wonderful.

My home is surrounded by tall, beautiful trees. Tonight, there is a wind that swells and retreats. I love hearing it come and go. Almost as much as I love hearing little Oscar sigh and moan in his charming doggie way at my feet. 

Domestic bliss comes in many forms. Tonight, it's a beautiful wind. And canines crowding me out of bed. And my babies in the next rooms. And tomorrow is Saturday. That helps, too :).

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