Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Funny Face

It's interesting how smells and objects can conjure up memories. Today I unearthed another of my Auntie Grace's rings and put it on. 

Auntie was a force. When she didn't get an official invitation to my boy's baby shower by a clear mistake, she sat on the couch throughout the affair with her pocketbook in her lap. She was pissed.

Anyhoo, I was looking at this turquoise ring bestowed upon me by my Auntie Grace and a couple solid memories sprang to mind:

I graduated from college summa cum laude and all Auntie said after the ceremony was "shorten your step and walk like a lady." No congrats on the academia, just some advice on the ladylike walking.

The other memory is a fave. My Nanny was in the emergency room and had to be taken for an x-ray. As a young orderly returned Nanny to the exam room, she looked at her sister, Auntie, and said, "oh, Grace, that poor boy had to see my funny face." 

That's when I knew. I was surely being filmed.

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