Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Teach on, sis!

I love teaching. Especially on days like today.

First, I took a sweet girl who has lost both of her parents out to lunch. She is a doll who has been through too much. She is a blessing to me.

Then, my 2:30 Missouri State class worked its usual magic. I assigned their informative speech and assured them the choice of topic was entirely theirs. I told them I'd heard rumor of another professor requiring his or her students to speak of a national park. I said "I gotta tell you, I'm not interested in 25 speeches on national parks." One particularly clever fella up front said, "ok, everybody, we are all speaking about Yellowstone." I'm afraid this is going to happen. More power to them.

Soon thereafter, I was lecturing on the difference in values in people. Let me back up: in an earlier speech, one girl referenced Shaquille O'Neal and said "I think he played basketball." She wasn't kidding, and the crowd went wild. So today, I asked the kids for an example of discord in values. The bright young man up front offered "well, many of us like sports and Angie doesn't know who Shaquille O'Neal is."

I attempted some more teaching but soon declared "I think the wheels are off the bus."

A girl piped up and said "were they ever on?"

I'm a tribute to the profession.

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