Sunday, April 15, 2018

Auntie G

April 15, 2018

I was the the niece of an elderly, childless woman. She happened to be a favorite. One of the first Deans of Women in the country. And the sister of my Nanny.

Nanny was everything to me. But Aunt Grace kicked some ass. My mother was named for her. My daughter was named for them both.

She would roll into the living room with her pocketbook on her elbow. Nanny would be watching "Days of our Lives" and wouldn't speak. Auntie would leave, angry. 

But this blue ring she found so many years ago. Every time she wore it, I told her how much I adored it, and how it looked on her hand. 

There was a time when when we thought she might die. Gratefully, she lived on. But she gave me the ring then. She wanted me to have it. She was afraid someone might try to swipe it.

I wear it every day.

At that time, my debate squad began to win in ways that were solid. So I would not go to a tournament without the ring. One time I made a student drive to my home to retrieve it. Another time, I held up the charter bus to get it from the hotel room because I'd forgotten it.

Auntie was committed to excellence. This ring is just a thing. But, to me, it is my fierce Auntie with me every day.

She was a character, but I miss her, and she is a part of me. You know what? You  don't have to birth a baby to help raise one❤️. That's all.

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