Monday, April 23, 2018


April 23, 2018

I was 13 or 14 when "Steel Magnolias" came out. There is a chance I've watched it 100 times. 

But here is the deal: when the 30th anniversary of the film rolled through last year, I read an article about the filming. Apparently it was hot as hell during filming. Everyone was playfully griping about sweating through their drawers, except for Dolly Parton. One of her costars asked why she was not on the complain train. She said she had been so poor for so long, when she made it, she would never complain about a thing.

Now, I am negative for sport. But Dolly's perspective gave me pause. I am truly grateful for everything I have. I know I must give solid voice to that more.

But if you are one of my best friends, we know how these phone calls will go. 😉

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