Friday, April 27, 2018

One Reason Why Nance is the Worst

April 27, 2018

Something happened tonight.

Disclaimer: I don't mean to be cruel. But the confluence of events this evening must be reported.

I went out to dinner with my fella. Our server was a lovely girl I had in class at MSU. 

Soon enough, a large woman with a mullet, wearing an ill-fitting tank top, came to sit at the next table. It reminded me of Dorothy Zbornak's observation in "Golden Girls" that no matter where she went, she attracted the nuts. In one episode, a heavy, hairy, swarthy man sidled up beside her at a ballgame. All she said was, "what kept you?"

So tonight I was desperate to know what was on this lady's tank top. It was something about running. The irony overtook me.

In a true moment of subtlety, I surreptitiously guided my phone her way. Little did I know, the flash was on. It was at that moment that my companion was no longer tolerant of my hi-jinx.

That's when I rose from my table, found my former student, asked if she still had my number, and told her I must know what words would be found on that tank top. She promised to deliver.

In the end, the woman with the bad hair rose and I was able to read those special words: I run to throw off the crazy.

As I reflect on this evening, perhaps the crazy is Nance.

But it sure was fun.

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