Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Fridge Pics

June 10, 2018

I'm getting a new fridge today. The old one leaked and over froze and also stopped keeping stuff cool. That's a problem. 

My fridge is covered with pictures. As I dismantled the montage of my life this morning, I took stock of what has comprised my kitchen landscape: my children, their awards, their pals; my parents; the day we got this house; the day we got Oscar; my best pals at happy happy moments; former students; me holding my best friend's first born; the ultrasound of my Drew. There wasn't enough room on that fridge for all the people I love.

You know what? A crowded fridge door is about the best blessing. I don't take it for granted. 

Nor will I take for granted a refrigerator that works.

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