Thursday, June 7, 2018

Oh...with all the debate love

June 6, 2018

I was a high school debate coach. A public high school. In the midwest. We were competing against fancypants private schools, wealthy to-the-max districts. I had kids in such poverty my father and an assistant principal (and dear friend) and I took him out of a SHED from which he was living. 

We beat them all. The fancies. The privates. The folks with lots of coaches and no bureaucrats on steroids to make everything 1000x more difficult than it needed to be. Golly, do I seem bitter?

I'm not breaking my arm to pat myself on the back. I have colleagues who have done so much more. But tonight I ran up on this pic. It was a holiday party with my squad back in the day in my back yard.

I don't wish to return to those times. They were hard. But I wouldn't give them up for anything. I loved these kids. A lot.

We had so much fun. That's what matters. They learned. We laughed. Done. ❤️

1 comment:

  1. Passion and talent beat money any day. You have and fostered both ♥️
