Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Pool

May 29, 2018

I have a great, zany pal who built a pool around fifteen years ago. She gave me a key to said pool and told me if I ever called ahead, she would take the key back. Thus and so, my children and friends of mine have had free reign. Unearned, but appreciated more that I can say.

I crave a pool. I crave the ocean. I've informed my kids and parents that once the former are out of the house and the latter depart (not that I anxiously await this horror), I'm relocating to a place where the  waves crash in. I've been landlocked far too long.

I am blessed with a teaching schedule that nourishes my soul with time off in the summer. Today, my Drew and I made our first seasonly visit to Debbie's pool. As I jumped off the diving board, it was an absolute gift.  

There is something about being suspended in water that is freeing and magical.

Debbie Jay-Reichert, thank you for this gift. You have no idea what you have done for us.

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