Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Game

May 27, 2018

Tonight I have to endure an endless 13 year old baseball game against a team from Colorado. The parents are incredibly obnoxious and "instructive" to their offspring. Some in heated Spanish. Do parents really think constantly screaming things at their kids is making a difference?

I was sitting behind home plate and finally had to retreat to a remote area. Sitting in my yellow chair, trying not to kill people, another group of kids from the same franchise (yes, there are youth franchises to whom you donate much of your salary) came and stood beside me and blocked my view of the plate. I ended up with my face pressed against the fence trying to see.

At one point, I mentioned to a kid, "hey bud, I was here first," and he moved about 5 inches away. Then another one appeared and blocked me even further and I snapped. I said, "hey dude, I don't mean to be a d*ck, but I was trying to see people bat."

There was zero awareness of the people around them. And I was kind. Sort of. They have no idea of what I am capable. I taught public school, for heaven's sake.

Earlier in the day we got to experience an umpire who undoubtedly fashions himself a comedian and/or the most important person on the planet. You can't make it up!

I am competitive and I am a believer in supporting my kids. But there comes a point when you want to look at some peeps and say "LIGHTEN UP."

We are tied. It's been three hours.

Give me strength.

That's all.

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