Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Aunt Diana

May 23, 2018

I've spent the afternoon in the emergency room with my aunt. Aunt Di suffered a couple strokes a few months ago, about which I've written. She has fought back like a champ. I speak to her each day. It is a joy for me.

This seems to be an inner ear debacle and she is home now.

Aunt Diana is the classiest dame on the planet. She is 82 and has worked her whole life with a fervor that only she and my father share. I've always said she is the female version of Dad (but she might be nicer...although, he is pretty great).

I don't like seeing anyone I love compromised in any way. I especially don't care to see my saintly Aunt Di in peril. But the Lord gave us a reprieve today and she appears to be rolling on.

Word to the wise: the day my Aunt Di goes on to her great reward will be among the hardest of my life. I hold on for her to stay as long as she can. I would appreciate it.

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