Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Glimpse Back

May 13, 2015

Today I have the distinct honor of spending its length with an almost-3-year-old genius who happens to be the daughter and granddaughter of my two best friends.  The ins and outs of how this little cherub came to be (not the logistics, of course, but the windy road) would make a legitimate book or romantic comedy, had I the wherewithal to write it.  Suffice it to say that if you doubt there is a god, the path that led to this little spitfire landing on the planet may very well dilute the doubt, if not kick it on its ass.

Nonetheless, I was fortunate to be available when the regular babysitter fell ill, and I get to turn back time a little to the spot when I had a feisty almost-3-year-old.  It’s amazing what you forget and how quickly it comes flooding back:  the spunk, the surprising vocabulary, the attention given to every word or deed, the spirited desire NOT to sleep, the unending charm.  It’s magical. (And for once that descriptor is not laced with sarcasm).  I wouldn’t say I missed “it” the first and second times I was in full possession of the toddler wonder years, but I definitely could have enjoyed them more, breathed a little more…soaked them in. But I also remember that it’s hard to be in the moment when a thousand “to-dos” are buzzing around in your motherly head.  Today I am reminded that sitting still and watching or getting up and following and chasing are just good. Pure. Good.  Today I am catching a glimpse back.

I’m writing this little bit while the little one (after tries in three different beds here at my place) is finally snoozing…very Goldilocks-ish, but better, of course.  I worked in some signature Nance bribery to get the job done:  we are heading to feed the ducks at a favorite park when the respite ends.  Hey, I’m not Dr. Spock.  I get to be fun Nance.  And trust me, that’s the Nance who even I will admit is worth knowing :).

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