Sunday, August 30, 2015

Getting to Memphis

August 30, 2015

I have recently developed an obsession with the HBO series, "Newsroom." In it, Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels) is a successful cable news anchor who is fighting to do legitimate news in a world of reality television and short attention spans. There is a great deal more to it, but that's the bottom line.

Toward the end of season three--spoiler alert--Will's mentor, best friend and president of the news division, Charlie Skinner (Sam Waterston) dies. Charlie is the quintessential newsman and a powerful force. (And, quite frankly, Sam Waterston could read the dictionary and I'd tune in.)

These scenes capture a great many events and emotions common to us all: love and the intense desire to go to it and be with it; and loss. As we all know, the two are inextricably linked.

Here you go:


An added bonus is this lovely exchange between two characters preparing to embark on career changes and a new relationship:

Maggie: Have you had a lot of long distance relationships?
Jim: Yes
Maggie: Did any of them work?
Jim: No
Maggie: Then why is this gonna be different?
Jim: I wasn't in love with them.

(A shout-out to Aaron Sorkin for writing television that restores my faith in the written word and in humanity...)

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