Wednesday, August 26, 2015

If I Needed You...

August 26, 2015

When Grace was a baby, one of the songs I would sing her in the dark middle night was "If I Needed You," by Emmylou Harris. 

In the stillness of her nursery, even my tired and tender soprano lifted us both up out of this new reality we faced as mother and daughter. Those notes and moments were precious.

I hadn't thought about that song in years, until I stumbled upon it on an old CD a day or two ago. As it played, I drifted back to the rocking chair and that little baby girl who was all mine. And I see her now, alongside her equally miraculous brother, and that song courses through my head and heart at full volume. I hope they feel it in every word and deed and hug and kiss and prayer. 

The song's meaning has lost not its weight, but its purpose has expanded for me. 

I have long depended on the strength and care of my dearest friends. This night, a spontaneous gathering of three of my truest reminded me of the potency of the chorus of that sweet song.

And visa versa.

These three souls join a treasured handful of other uncompromising best pals in keeping me alive, sane, happy and laughing. I do my best to return the friendship in kind, and to keep on singing.

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