Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hold on!

Even though I don't return to school tomorrow, the last day of summer always makes me sad to the core. Agenda-free days in the sun are at a premium and my favorite days on the planet. I can hardly drag Grace to the pool these days, but climbing all over his mother and playing catch get Drew here every time. He starts 4th grade tomorrow and his sister enters high school.

As we were swimming just now, I suggested a floating contest. Drew is quite masterful with the floating, so I knew he would love to out-do me. But as we floated, our hands met, and he grabbed my hand and I grabbed his. We were face up, mostly submerged, peering into the endless blue of this rare clear August sky, holding hands wordlessly, just floating. 

For a bit, the weight of the world sank to zero.

Hold on, I keep telling myself. Hold on tight. 


And then we bowled. Because nothing follows a tender floating moment like a trip to the SWMO bowling alley. 😂

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