Thursday, August 13, 2015

The First Day

August 13, 2015

Grace's first day of Kindergarten. Drew had his paci, I still loved my job, Grace still wore pink.

Grace's first day of high school, Drew's first day of 4th grade. He ditched the paci long ago, she ditched the color pink, I left the job I once loved. They remain the two reasons why I breathe. Life is changing for us all, but these two astound me with their resilience, their happiness, their love. 

The lump in my throat that has never really left since I took her to Kindergarten roared up today when she walked into Parkview. I regret that I'm not up in my classroom to journey through this with her, but it wasn't to be. I don't regret every weekend and week night I've been home or at her practices or games because I'm not up in that blessed classroom.

It's been a gut-check morning, and that's the nature of the beast. But I look at those faces and I thank God. Every day.


First day wrap up: Drew 1, 4th grade 0. Happy boy. And Gracie emerged from the 'view equally stoked. we go...

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