Saturday, February 17, 2018


February 17, 2018

I've never understood discrimination. I've never understood -isms. Racism, sexism. None of it makes sense to me. 

But I've witnessed it. I've experienced it.

When I was in my twenties leading a cast of debaters hither and yon, middle aged bus drivers treated me like a child. I wanted to take their little weenies and tie them around their necks. I had similar feelings about opposing male coaches who spoke condescendingly to me or looked me up and down just before my squad kicked their squads squarely in the tails. Ha!

I just watched "Battle of the Sexes:" the Billie Jean King v. Bobby Riggs tale. So I'm a tad lit up. It's a very good thing I was born after so many wonderful women fought for us. I cannot get over some of what people endured and/or deemed acceptable. The good Lord knew I should be born after the height of the fight.

I think what puzzles me most is any true Christian who believes that if your skin is white or you if have a penis you are superior in some way.

I want to say this: my father--surrounded by and instructing athletics his whole life and who has a daughter and a son--never once made me feel an ounce inferior because I am female. If anything, he just made me strive to be the best because he was and continues to be the best. I have not always met that standard, but it isn't because I don't have a weewee. Good grief.

Here's to all the people who believe we are equal. I have a sneaking suspicion God is rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

I just hope I make it up there to check some day. And that Nanny is there taking a long drag and saying, "you were right, honey. You were right."

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