Monday, February 19, 2018


February 19, 2018

I promise you I don't dwell on loss. It has been part of my life but it is not my life. 

However, last night I was rewatching "Shadowlands." This is the story of CS Lewis and his marriage to Joy Gresham, who (spoiler alert) dies and leaves behind her son, Douglas.

In this scene, the two mourn rather beautifully and heartbreakingly.

I remember standing before my mother's grave and weeping in my father's arms much like this. I can recall countless times I wept alone at night trying to make sense of the loss of my Mom, my Nanny, my Mimi, my Tiff. The list goes on.

But at its purest moment is what is in this clip. 

I sure would like to see them again.

Me too. 

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