Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Tall Grass

March 3, 2018

There is a moment in "The West Wing" when President Bartlett tells his communication director, Toby, "If it weren't  for you, I'd be in the tall grass. I'd be in the weeds."  I had that quote near my desk at Parkview because I knew there were key people who held me up. Without them I couldn't have made it.

One of those is my Dad.

Yesterday my Pops was inducted into the Missouri Valley Conference Hall of Fame, alongside some absolute gems. As I listened to the accomplishments of Dad's fellow inductees, I marveled.

Dad spoke eloquently and told stories of the league and the university. 

As I watched it all, I thought of all he has overcome: a childhood on the farm, basically in poverty. Crazy days of little pay coaching multiple sports. Starting a baseball program from scratch and taking it quickly to great heights. And in the midst of this, suffering the loss of his wife and raising two kiddos. Then he brought the incredible Nydia into the mix, became the Athletic Director, and on he rode. I never saw him falter. I have never seen him quake under the immense pressure.

I will admit that he brought work home. Sometimes I tired of hearing about SMS. And admittedly, sports now wear me out, even though my babies are knee deep in them. But in retrospect, it made me feel important. He shared everything. He took us with him everywhere. We used to mow at the baseball dormitory, which is now a credit union at Grand and National. We ripped up tape alongside the new track at what was then Briggs Stadium. We hammered mats into a weight room in the Forsyth Building. We got to travel with teams and see things that were great gifts.

In Dad's remarks yesterday was the sentiment of President Bartlett. He has been buoyed by many. What he needs to know, though, is how many would be in the tall grass and in the weeds without him.

Thank you, my Pops.

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