Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Roseanne Thing

March 28, 2018

Tonight I watched the resurgence of Roseanne. Regardless of your thoughts on the lady or the show, this story is worthwhile.

When Juanita K Hammons Hall was being built, John Goodman came back to campus for a tour. My brother and I got to drive him around campus. At one point, I parked so close to the next car Mr. Goodman had to slither out of the car I was driving. It was classy. But he couldn't have been nicer. And likely very relieved to eventually flee the scene.

Later, Pops took us to LA and made arrangements for us to see an episode of "Roseanne" taped. Not at all awkwardly, the episode was about masturbation. It was really fun to sit next to my folks during that gem.

But during one of the breaks in filming they offered a signed script if an audience member would do something entertaining. Dad elbowed me and said "you can do something!" I raised my hand and was chosen and I sang "God Bless America" like Ethel Merman.

I won the script.

We got to go backstage to see John Goodman after the filming.

I'm a huge celebrity junkie. It was great.

There are moments to which you hold on. I'm a television addict. I've probably achieved less in my life because I love me some television. But I wouldn't trade that memory. 

It was worth it.

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