Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Barbed Wire

March 10, 2018
Tonight I watched "Legends of the Fall." Again. For maybe the twentieth time.

This afternoon I got a call from one of my best pals. We used to coach against each other. She found herself in a scuffle and she did the right thing. There is a moment in that movie when Brad Pitt cuts the cow from the barbed wire.  It is a merciful move. But it is so painful to watch. 

This weekend is the speech and debate national qualifier. This used to be the hardest weekend of my life. Gratefully, it is no more. But the feeling of it, I will never forget. And my respect for those who endure beyond my tenure is immense.

To my friend, I just wish to say: you cut the  barbed wire. Sometimes, that's what it takes. 

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