Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thick Skin

March 29, 2018

As I grew up in teaching, I had to learn to develop a thick skin. I remember one time this strange kiddo who fashioned a German accent and had some troubles (he was a Springtown local) who walked to my desk and said "you know everyone hates you."

I took a moment and also believed that not everyone--including this emotionally disturbed student--hated me. I said as much in response. But I accepted the fact that not everyone loved me.

And there is good evidence that some have loved me, thankfully. I tried very hard to do right by my students. I have never worked and will never work harder in my life.

Several loved me. And likewise. Some, not so much. 

In my parental life, I understand the same is true. There are peeps who just don't like me. I fight for my kids and have trouble taming my tongue. Being a parent is a challenge. 

Being a good parent is wonderful and it is difficult. Especially of multiple children. I think perhaps the biggest challenge is balance: practice and downtime; sensitivity and strength; sports and school. Being tough. Being weak. Being able to navigate between the two.

By the grace of God, I am able to look at the troubled student who says "you are hated" and the student who says "you are loved" and am able to close the curtain, take a bow, and again take the stage.

Regardless, the skin must stay thick. I don't know how else to do it.

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