Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Thing About the Dogs

February 7, 2018

I know I send out probably too many pics of my two dogs. Allow me to explain.

I had always wanted a dog. My life previous to this one wouldn't allow it. The day after I singularly announced that our life was changing, Gracie and I were in Target. All of a sudden, she stopped in her tracks and squealed: "oh my gosh! Now we can get a dog!" 

And together we went to the Humane Society thereafter and found our little girl. Seven months later, she talked me into another one. Oscar came into our lives and they became best friends and my bed mates.

It is hard for me when the kids are gone. It is hard when a dog shats in the hall. It is hard when they wake me at 6am on a Saturday, or when I spend hundreds on training that I'm too weak to make work.

But these babies are my besties. They keep me sane when my human loves are gone. They keep us safe. They drive my Dad completely insane.

I am deeply grateful for Halpert and Oscar. I had no idea what I had been missing. But I know now what I have.

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