Monday, January 29, 2018


January 29, 2018

I've been sick off and on for a month. After Christmas it was a snooze fest. I couldn't stay awake. When I get sick I always think I'm making it up. But a lot of reliable people who aren't crazy have had it, too. So I'm sane. Praise the Lord.

I had been fine for a couple weeks and then a TB-esque cough reappeared. I have coughed so much I wonder why a virus hasn't appeared in the crook of my arm.

I am returning to normal but I wish to shout to the gods of health and evil: ENOUGH! This isn't cancer or AIDS or a host of horrors that I probably deserve, but I must get well! Enough! 

I remember running miles and not coughing every five minutes and not wanting to be horizontal all the time. I know I will dial it back. I hope. Sooner rather than later. 

Please, sweet Jesus. Please.

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