Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Happy Birthday, my Tiff

January 24, 2018

I was on my way into class this morning when I realized it would have been the 44th birthday of my dearest friend, Tiffany. She died suddenly in March. It was an enormous tragedy in my life. It was an enormous tragedy for a great many.

She was a touchstone for me. Realizing it was her birthday in the parking lot at Missouri State took my breath away. I wanted to break down, but I had to go teach. I thought of her laugh and I got stronger and faced my classes. I could hear her voice saying “My Nance!” and I knew I could roll on.

But I got home this afternoon after all the deeds were done and I cried. I cried a lot. Tiff was my dear, dear friend. I still fight the impulse to call or text her. It is devastating that she is gone. I miss her so much.

I know her Justin and Reagan and Will suffer her absence much more than I do. I hurt for them.

To the heavens, I say: my dear Tiff, how I hate that you are gone. But how glad I am you aren’t in pain any more. I’d give anything to hear you laugh again. Happy Birthday, my sweet friend. Press!!!

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