Saturday, January 27, 2018


January 26, 2018

When I was 16 years old I fell in love with Murphy Brown.

Hold on. I fell in love with her like a worshipper falls in love with an idol. I adored her.  When I graduated from high school, Dad took me to see a filming of Murphy Brown. As I sat there, I almost levitated.

And she is returning to television. I went nuts when this news hit me.

Murphy shaped me as a professional. Her salty, aggressive behavior was my mantra. It wasn't always appropriate, but it did make me who I became as a coach. I wanted to be that commanding, fearless, poised, articulate. 

More than that, there is an episode in which Murphy says to Corkie, who struggles with marriage, family and work: "on behalf of all those of us who gave up trying to have it all, don't give up trying to have it all."

I heard that when I was in high school. I believed at the time I could have it all. 

I couldn't. Then.

Things have changed.

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