Saturday, January 20, 2018

Smart A**

January 20, 2018

I began coaching debate when I was 22 years old. I was fiercely competitive. I wanted to prove myself. I was an assistant to my great mentor, Brett Miller, for two years. I have many stories from that time. One of my favorites, though, is when a couple of our competitors apparently violated a tournament rule. I was green and very defensive of these girls and I got crosshairs with the tournament director. I was essentially a child. But I was pissed.

Anyhoo, when the awards ceremony began, the tournament director went to Brett and said "who is that smart ass assistant?"

The smart ass was me. And Linda Box, the tourney director, and I have been dear friends ever since.

I learned that day that there are rules. I also learned that you can disagree and become friends. 

It has remained one of the greatest lessons of my life. She is one of the dearest people I've ever known. I remember every moment I had with her with an ounce of fear and pound of sincere affection. And, ok, maybe a little more fear. 

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