Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Good Morning

July 1, 2015

Mornings around here feature one of my favorite daily rituals: either I rise first, or Drew does. It's just the two of us. Bleary-eyed, we exchange a hug and a kiss that set the day on course. I hang on a little longer every morning, knowing my boy will only willingly greet me like this for so long. 

This morning it was storming with vigor before the sun came up. I woke with the thunder and decided to witness the pouring rain first hand from the back porch. For an hour or so I read there alone, until I heard the familiar pat of ten-year-old boy. Bare-chested (as usual), he walked out with sleep in his eyes for our daily hello. Then he grabbed a blanket and joined me.

My day is already made.

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