Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Trench

July 29, 2015

We've been having some gutter problems here at Wedgeworth manor, so Darin started digging a trench around the part of the house with the trouble to lay a big tube to carry the water away.  He got about 12 feet carved out on Saturday. I took it from there in the intervening days and dug out the remaining 10 feet or so. Today I had to fill in said channel with rocks that I schlepped to my local home improvement warehouse to procure and mounds and mounds of dirt. 

There are a lot of things that run through my head when I am laboring. During this shoveling extravaganza, mostly a string of expletives dashed across my consciousness in a steady stream. I need to give a shout out to people who do this kind of work all the time. I've always prided myself on my physical toughness and work ethic, but this put Nance to the test. It's about a thousand degrees out with bright blue skies, though, which is my kind of weather. I may love it, but it isn't especially conducive to hard labor for hours and hours.

My reward at the completion of trenchapalooza is to strip down to as little as possible without offending the neighbors and dip in to my own little white trash pool on the zeeb (the old gazebo we emasculated by cutting the "ga" off and just leaving a deck with sides). I like to keep it classy.

A sane person might ask why my happy ass isn't in the air conditioning. It's called addiction, folks. Heat and sun call my name. It would be rude not to answer the call...

WT pool.

Thank God it's over...

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