Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Walking Heartbeats

July 14, 2015

My Grace is in NYC with her cousins and grandparents. She took with her a big ol' chunk of this heart. It's just a week. In four years she is going to really leave. Ugh. Baby steps.

I suppose the pharmaceutical industry exists for attachment issues such as these ;).

The reality is that life in the house is just less beautiful without her. And less edgy. She has a wonderfully vicious sense of humor for which I proudly take credit. If I'm thinking it, there is a decent chance she is about to say it. 

But my boy is back from his World Series trip, and I am happy to report that he still leapt out of the car to me the minute he got home. Of course, I completely wore him out in the following moments, clinging to him like a kissy leech. 

I made it up to him yesterday by letting him whack the sh*t out of me with a pillow. That's what makes 10-year-old boys belly laugh, apparently: chasing and beating mom with a king-sized pillow.  Here I am, using my legs as armor. They were of limited use.

All it takes is his incessant "this is so fun!" to do me in. What's next, Drew, knife battles with me pinned to the wall? I'll think about it ;).

1 comment:

  1. Mom's and their boys= LOVE! I so get it and it is just the best!!
