Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 16 Nuggets

June 16, 2015

Okeedokee. I continue to troll around in my memory for my most-loved movie scenes. They are a wee bit long, but worth it. 

Spoiler alert--these clips give away chunks of plot.

"Pride and Prejudice"

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett have misunderstood one another for this classic novel's length. When finally they each put aside the pride and the prejudice (hmmmm), this scene happens. Aside from watching Mr. Darcy walk and walk and walk, it is a breath-taker.

"Sleepless in Seattle"

Oh holy crap. Best chick-flick ever. Sam's wife has died. Jonah has no mama. And, scene:


This movie changed me in a variety of ways. A crusty older theologian, CS Lewis finds love, but his love (Joy) is dying. The scene with "Jack" (CS Lewis, played by Anthony Hopkins) speaking to Joy's son is not only one of the most moving, but also among the best-acted scenes in my personal list of bests.

Pardon the "mom's dead" theme. The message in each of these perfect scenes is the love: want it, got it, had it, lost it, miss it, ache for it love. And since that's the whole point (or at least the bulk of the point) of this journey we are on, I appreciate it when cinema captures it truly.

Gotta love the movies.

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