Saturday, June 20, 2015


June 21, 2015

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and he let me watch him do it.
--Clarence Budington Kelland

When my dad retired from a 50+ year career as the grand poobah of Missouri State University athletics in 2009, for the Springfield paper I wrote an article about his role as grand poobah of our family. His retirement was on the heels of Father's Day, and it was published at that time. As this Father's Day approached, I found and reread it. I don't think I could say it better today than I did then. So here 'tis.

On Dad's 75th birthday, I put together a video of his life. It can be found in my google+ profile ("view my profile" below, Dad;)).  It was one of the best gifts I've ever given.

To my Pops, thanks for letting me watch you live. And for making us your life.

Happy Father's Day

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