Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Green Bean Harvest--an update

June 9, 2015

Just another day in my little agricultural paradise. I've now grown enough green beans and radishes to feed a very small child with a wee appetite. It's quite the feeling of accomplishment. Who knows what's next? We might be able to pick one tomato and slice it four ways while our mouths water in anticipation.

On the other hand, I walked through a cool farmers' market on the square in downtown Fayetteville this weekend. I saw displays of veggies that look like maybe some performance-enhancing plant steroids might be at play here. I was humbled by the realization that my little produce stand--were I to go pro with my new in-touch-with-the-earth self--would consist of me standing with one fistful of green beans and in the other palm my little offering of radishes. There I would stand with my size-challenged (I want to be PC here..."small" sounds so bigoted) wares and a smile. 

For now, after I admire my edibles for a day or two, I will get out a teeny tiny pan and cook the hell out of them. I am certain it will be a culinary miracle. If it isn't, I'll never tell ;).

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