Thursday, June 4, 2015

June 4 Nugget

June 4, 2014

I have become a devotee of the Netflix original series, "Grace and Frankie." In this little gem, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin play two women whose husbands are law partners. The first episode features the two men revealing their 20-year affair with each other. The story unfolds from there. 

Put aside any notions you my have about Hanoi Jane during her militant years, or any struggle you may have with men marrying each other, blah blah blah, and I'm telling you, this show is hysterical. 

I cannot/will not log all the excellent lines from this brilliantly written show, but one in particular stopped me mid-laundry-fold.

Grace is beginning to date a new fella. Grace hates golf, we come to find out. She also hates hoagies. But when her new beau offers to bring home some hoagies for lunch before they hit the links, Grace enthusiastically declares, "I love hoagies!"

Frankie, witnessing this exchange, says this after the beau departs:
"Ok, Grace, walk me through this. When your eat your hoagie and then you play your 18 holes, do you leave your bullshit in the house or do you take it with you?"

It's even better when Lily Tomlin says it 😂.

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